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A Must-Read For Anyone Who Plans On Retiring Someday.

It Speaks Of Author's Pitfalls, And How Others Can Learn From His Mistakes.

Image by Shahbaz Khan
George M. Dean

About George M. Dean

George M. Dean is best described as a misanthropic, disenchanted individual who is at war, mostly with himself. George vents through his writings, which resulted in this book. Think Larry David, but even more disgruntled. Now that he's retired, he has plenty of time and new things to yammer on about. George prefers to cast blame for his failures onto his parents, citing his abhorrent upbringing. Nowadays, since his parents have sadly left us, he is happily married to a lovely shrew, who has taken over where his parents left off. Call it masochism, but he wouldn't have it any other way.

Image by Markus Winkler

George M. Dean On the Spotlight Network TV with Logan Crawford

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